New Zealand parrot intelligent enough to use touch screen, yet incapable of differentiating between reality and the virtual world
Three researchers at the University of Auckland have found that New Zealand parrots are intelligent enough to operate touch screens, but not enough to understand the difference between virtual and real images. In a paper published in the journal Biology Letters, Amalia Bastos, Patrick Wood and Alex Taylor describe the various experiments they conducted with the endangered birds.
New Zealand parrot intelligent
New Zealand parrots are well known in New Zealand for their intelligence and
curiosity. They are known to steal car windshield wipers or rummage through
tourists' luggage and steal their passports.
Unfortunately, they are at risk of ingesting lead from humans and other
interactions with humans, such as wandering around in traffic. In this new
experiment, the researchers wanted to know if the birds could tell the
difference between what they see in real life and the images on a computer
screen. To find out, they
conducted experiments
on several birds kept at the
Willowbank Wildlife Sanctuary in Christchurch.
In the experiment, some birds were first taught to use their tongues to
manipulate objects on a computer screen. Their beaks are made of keratin
and are not electrically conductive; therefore, they could not activate
the touch screen. Next, they tested the birds' ability to understand a
simple game.
They placed a ball on a table and then tilted the table to one side so
that the ball fell into a box on one side of the table. They then
challenged the bird to figure out which box the ball was in. The birds
mastered the game quickly and without any problems.
The researchers then repeated the experiment virtually on a computer
screen. Again, the birds were able to easily select the correct box.
However, when the researchers used a virtual table and a virtual ball
with real boxes on either side of the computer, the birds became
confused - they apparently expected the virtual ball to fall from the
virtual table into the real box.
The researchers noted that similar studies with young children have
shown that people, regardless of age, are able to distinguish between
real and virtual.
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